Permaculture is the concept of utilizing land and resources, as well as people utilizing land, resources, people, and the environment in a manner that doesn't produce any waste.
Edible landscaping describes the unique combination of methods we use to create ornamental food forests.
Vertical gardening is a special kind of urban gardening suitable for small spaces, particularly for decorating walls and roofs in various styles.
Container gardening or pot gardening/farming is the practice of growing plants, including edible plants, exclusively in containers instead of planting them in the ground.
Garden lighting design is essential to landscape design, providing functional and aesthetic lighting to your outdoor space.
This informal crowding of various plants is a signature feature and a mix of perennial and annual flowers with vegetable and foliage plants.
Ecological landscape design makes meadows and gardens both pleasing to the eye and functional parts of the ecosystem, providing resources and habitat for essential wildlife.